Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This is part of a series, Planet Terra, which when licensed allows you to add your own custom narration to meet you specific marketing needs. Contact us at TravelVideoStore.com for more details about licensing this episode or any of the 365 other episodes to destinations around the world.

Cosmos Global Documentaries HAWAII THE ISLANDS OF ALOHA

Honolulu, the capital of the Hawaiian Islands has developed into a lively city. In the heart of the city there's a statue in honour of King Kamehama The Third who in 1840 moved his government residence from the island of Maui to Honolulu on Oahu, thus unifying the island kingdom. In later years the Victorian Iolani Palace became the new residence of those who ruled Hawaii.

Hawaii wouldn't be Hawaii if it were not for its world famous surfers when during the winter season the northern part of Oahu with its Waimea Bay, Banzai Pipeline and Sunset Beach is extremely popular with surfers.

Nature Wonders HALEAKALÄ Hawaii

The journey to the summit of Haleakalà, a three thousand metre high volcano on the Hawaiian Island of Maui, is an unforgettable experience. The view extends above the clouds to the vast landscape below and the Pacific Ocean. A steep and winding road travels up to the crater area of the dormant volcano from which this fascinating nature park derived its name.

On clear days it's possible to see more than a hundred kilometres to the neighbouring
Big Island and the peaks of two further volcanoes, Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea.

The volcano first came into existence over a million years ago rising from the depths of a five thousand metre deep ocean. Today, 3,057 metres above sea level, it dominates the island as well as the surrounding ocean.

Malama Ka Aina

MALAMA KA AINA invites you to take a never before journey to the 'forbidden' island of Hawaii named NIIHAU. This fascinating, privately owned island is home to 200 native Hawaiians that continue to speak the ancient Hawaiian dialect as their first language.

Learn the story of how the Sinclair family purchased the island from King Kamehameha V in 1864. Watch Keith Robinson, one of the two brothers who owns the island today, take us on a tour of the island's ecosystem and listen as he tells remarkable stories of the Isle and its people.

Follow the struggle that this island has endured in preserving the culture, its people, species, and rights to this land. You will hear dramatic stories including how the native people were protected from diseases to the capture of a Japanese fighting pilot during the bombing of Pearl Harbor. No one is allowed to step foot on this island without a special invitation so you won't want to miss seeing this amazing glimpse of one of the modern worlds still existing mystery places.


Man's interpretation and focus on various locations that capture the spirit of Nature, as with music, have their own individual 'accent' in each country of the world, depending upon the climate and the amount of expertise, flair and imagination that has gone into their creation. Some of these natural wonders are simple affairs, whilst others are great symphonies of design, colour and passion.

Experience the beauty of this botanical garden in Hawaii and feel the inner power created by the sensitive combination of nature and music.

A truly relaxing feast of both vision and sound!



Located to the south east of Hawaii, the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is the youngest island in the archipelago and the only one that contains active volcanoes. Its abundant vegetation and beautiful volcanic landscape attracts tourists, explorers and scientists from all over the world. To experience this paradise born of lava is to glimpse into the early beginnings of Planet Earth.

The dry, dark-coloured side of the volcanoes, the Kau Desert, is almost lifeless. Lava stifles any form of plant life and the magnificent expanse of strange, dark scenery and huge, billowing clouds is a truly awe-inspiring spectacle that is like nowhere else on Earth.

The park contains the world's most active volcano, Kilauea and also its largest, Mauna Loa. For the Hawaiians, the environs of Halema`Uma`U, the "House of Fire," and the crater itself, were once the most holy place in the entire archipelago and the tremendous dimensions of the crater and the clearly visible strata that have accumulated during many thousands of years, are particularly impressive.

In spite of the lava, the humid north east of the island has created a jungle, while the southwest is rich in savannah, a visual symphony of mighty eucalyptus trees and plants up to eight metres tall that are framed by dark lava. Where once scorching volcanic streams flowed, today the sun beams down onto the benign, cooled down surface of the lava.

When visiting the world's most active volcano, Kilauea, it's like witnessing Earth's creation. When the blazing red lava sizzles into the sea and the water boils and the clouds glow, the might of the Earth is at its most extreme.

Those who experience the raw beauty of this island will never forget the many unforgettable moments surrounded by a natural environment that has learned to constantly renew itself in dramatic style.

Vista Point HONOLULU


Honolulu Airport is world famous for the novel way in which it welcomes its visitors. A sweetly scented floral chain is placed around the neck of all those who arrive and the friendly smiles of the local people are irresistible. Normal routine is cast aside and dreams become reality.

The Hawaiian Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean and are the 50th State of the United States of America. The island of Oahu is situated in the centre of the archipelago. The modern city of Honolulu is the capital of both Oahu and all the other islands and it is also the starting point of numerous excursions.

King David Kalakana had the Iolani Palace built, a magnificent Victorian structure situated in the centre of Honolulu and the only royal palace in the USA.

The Nuuanu Pali Valley is of great importance in Hawaiian history. It was there that a decisive battle took place when King Kamehameh arrived from Maui and triumphantly drove the troops of the O´Ahu chief into the mountains, a battle that gave rise to the political union of the Hawaiian Islands.

Close to Honolulu, Pearl Harbour was the scene of a major military tragedy. During an unexpected attack practically the whole of the American Pacific fleet was bombed by the Japanese and destroyed. The attack on the U.S. naval base was the ultimate reason that the United states eventually took part in the Second World War.

In winter the most dedicated surfers collect on Sunset Beach to experience the world's most sought-after waves some of which are as high as the tallest church steeples and between Kawela Bay and Haleiwa each winter the best surfers in the world meet for the Surfing World Championships.

'Aloha!' is Hawaii's magical word. It means 'Welcome', 'Good-Bye' and also 'Love'. Life is so simple in paradise!

Nature Parks YOSEMITE PARK California

Majestic, thousand metre high rock walls flank a magnificent valley, the heart of the world famous Yosemite National Park located in California's Sierra Nevada.

The first thing that strikes most visitors to the park is its spectacular waterfalls which. are the highest on the entire North American Continent and plunge down more than seven hundred metres. At Yosemite Falls the water from Yosemite Creek falls from the elevated regions of the Sierra Nevada down into the valley below.

For several centuries, long before any white settlers reached the valleys of today's park, the area that surrounded the Merced River was the sole domain of the Native American Indian. For almost four thousand years this was the hunting ground of the Awanitshi Indians.

In bygone times the Indians called today's Bridal Veil Fall, 'Pohono', The Spirit of the Wind. The name is most apt because the water is continuously forced away from the rock walls and the height of the waterfall is equivalent to around sixty-two storeys.

In the northern more inaccessible sections of the park the cold and clear water of the streams flows into the Tuolmne River. The source of the water that travels into the Merced River is a combination of several creeks that are located in the three thousand metre high alpine regions of both the Cathedral and Clarke Mountain Ranges.

The park's prehistoric Mammoth Trees are truly gigantic and their trunks can reach a diameter of nearly ten metres and a height of up to seventy. The mighty trees are real natural wonders and are even protected from fire by their fifty centimetre thick bark. Strong tan acids prevent insects from attacking the wood and it's not uncommon to come across trees that are a thousand years old.

Yosemite is a truly splendid example of enchanting natural scenery with all the magnificence and artistry of water, gentle, powerful and at its most captivating.

San Diego California USA

This is part of a series, Planet Terra, which when licensed allows you to add your own custom narration to meet you specific marketing needs. Contact us at TravelVideoStore.com for more details about licensing this episode or any of the 365 other episodes to destinations around the world.

Monday, October 19, 2009


This is part of a series, Planet Terra, which when licensed allows you to add your own custom narration to meet you specific marketing needs. Contact us at TravelVideoStore.com for more details about licensing this episode or any of the 365 other episodes to destinations around the world.



Larger than Italy and twice as long as Florida, the Baja California is a huge peninsula at the southern end of California on the western border of the Golfo California.

A few drops of rain in this region are enough to make the soil explode with life and transform the land into a vast undulating ocean of green palm trees and fruit-bearing cacti.

Remote haciendas interrupt the savannah-like landscape with estates so vast that it's necessary to travel across them by motor vehicle.

The Barranca Del Cobre is four times larger and ninety metres deeper than the Grand Canyon. Powerful torrents of water created the region's deep canyons and its igneous stones were subjected to powerful erosion thus creating bizarre rock formations.

At a height of thirty-five metres the Cusárare Waterfall is an impressive sight as its magnificent crystal clear water plunges down into the deep abyss below. This part of Mexico located on the Tropic Of Cancer divides the country into two climatic zones of the same size: temperate and tropical. El Golfo De California and its contrasting deserts, arid mountain regions and lush vegetation is a wonderfully remote landscape whose unique beauty captures the imagination of all who experience it.

Global Treasures MISSION SANTA BARBARA California

The Santa Barbara Mission is located on a hill above the centre of a famous coastal resort on California's legendary west coast.

In 1820 the sacred building's architect wanted to base his design on the architectural and artistic styles of Roman temple construction. While in Spain a Franciscan friar acquired a book that contained details of Pre-Christian buildings designed by the Roman architect, Vitruvio Polion.

Long before the Spanish invaded and the arrival of missionaries, this region was inhabited by a tribe of Native American Indians, the Chumash. The early religious community that settled here educated the Indians in Christianity thus a number of the important leaders of the Chumas were converted to Christianity.

Compared to other Spanish missions in North America the splendid design of Santa Barbara's interior and the church's precious works of art are unique.

Right up to the present day an important part of the historic and cultural heritage of California has been lovingly maintained within this veritable Queen of Missions.

Global Treasures - History's Most Protected Monuments - Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live today, and what we pass on to future generations. our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. Places as unique and diverse as the wilds of East Africa's Serengeti, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Baroque cathedrals of Latin America make up our world's heritage. Join us as we explore one of these protected monuments.

Weekend Explorer Eastern Sierras, California

Emmy and Multi Telly Awarded Active Travel Series
This is a land of stark contrasts and incredible scenery. Come along as we hike to a High Sierra lake on the trail to the highest peak in the continuous United States;explore the Alabama Hills, site of famous movies starring John Wayne, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., and many others;go bouldering in the incredible Buttermilks;learn about the internment of Japanese-Americans at Manzanar during World War II, including photographs taken by Ansel Adams;kayak through the odd geological spires of mystic Mono Lake;fish for trout in a High Sierra lake;and discover the secrets to surviving in the Wild West at the ghost town of Bodie.

Vista Point SAN DIEGO California

For some, San Diego - a coastal city with a wonderful climate - is California's southernmost city, for others it is the northernmost city in Mexico. It is not quite as predictable as other US metropolises and even the skyline promises something different.

Palm trees, colourful flowerbeds and wonderful sandy beaches are typical of Southern California and are an open invitation to surfing and relaxation. The exclusivity of the beaches exudes an aura of luxurious living and the grand houses of the Coronado district are among the city's most prestigious.

The long distance trains that travel through Amtrak Station connect San Diego with many other Californian cities and also with the bordering city of Santa Fe. The red tram, known as the San Diego Trolley, leaves from here and travels south to the Mexican border.

Everywhere there are blossoming flowers and spouting fountains and the magnificence of this colourful garden city makes it easy to forget the arid terrain of the nearby desert.

There's also Balboa Park, the San Diego Zoo and Sea World. With its many attractions and close proximity to Mexico, San Diego is an unforgettable city that's a very special kind of tourist metropolis!

Weekend Explorer Santa Monica, California

Emmy and Multi Telly Awarded Active Travel Series
Visit "America's Beach" where the healthy lifestyle for which Southern California is known was made famous. Surf with professional surfer turned restaurateur, and then head to the local Farmer's Market;roller blade along the beach with roller blade legend Debbie Merrill;watch 78-year-old skateboarder Liz Bevington, the "Skateboarding Momma";head to the beach made famous by Baywatch;and work out at Muscle Beach with world renowned weightlifter Jack Le Lanne.

Statue of Liberty - New York

Situated in New York Harbour, the Statue of Liberty has become the proud symbol of the United States of America.The statue of the Goddess of Freedom carries the light of the spirit of enlightenment to the Free World.

Alexander Gustave Eiffel, whose tower later made him famous, built the statues ingenious iron frame construction supported by a central shaft.Around this framework a 2.4 millimeter thick copper coating was attached to the statue and it is mainly due to Eiffels frame that the monument has withstood the bays savage winter storms.

On the 28th October 1886, North Americas most important statue was inaugurated by President Grover Cleveland.The statue was the design of a young sculptor, Bartholdi, who had eagerly accepted the work due to the fact that the commission of his design of a large female statue for a lighthouse on the Suez Canal had not reached fruition.

At first, the statue received little love and affection.Indeed, New Yorkers used the statues unveiling ceremony for a protest demonstration! Since then, however, it has most assuredly conquered the hearts of those who have seen it and it has become a symbol of freedom for the whole of America.

Vista Point NEW YORK


New York is capital city of the American Dream, with its population drawn from each corner of the world.

The Empire State Building is a symbol of the glamour and fascination of this frenetic city, yet the Chrysler building is just as imposing, its unusual tower being decorated with car motifs such as bonnets, hub caps and car wheels of the 1930's.

Wall Street derived its name from a wall which had been erected to protect the emerging town from attack by Native American Indians and now most of the city is an open powerhouse of ceaseless activity with a constant mêlée of car horns, sirens, and screeching tyres.

Greenwich Village is one of the few areas of the city that has no clearly-defined symmetry. Attractive steps grace many of its 19th century houses of red brick and brown sandstone and, until the 1960's, many important artists and authors lived there, such as Edgar Allen Poe and Henry James.

Little Italy, Chinatown, The Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Ellis Island, The Statue of Liberty, Broadway, Times Square...each has its own colourful stories to tell amid the fantastic man-made Manhattan glass horizons: the skyscrapers which shamelessly reach up to the heavens and exclaim that New York is most assuredly the commercial capital of the universe.

Las Vegas Strip


A frenetic neon mirage in the desert: thats the Las Vegas Strip!

A pyramid looms up from this desert haven, guarded by a sphinx.An excursion in ancient Egypt? No, its the Luxor Hotel, one of the many magnificent illusions in this amazing city.

Behind the façade of a medieval castle, the Excalibur Resort contains more than 4,000 rooms in a mind-boggling blend of the Arthurian legend and spectacular kitsch.The casino is entered via the Brooklyn Bridge and with an intense screeching and whirling a double loop roller coaster winds its way over the heads of spectators and through the residential quarters of New York.

The Venetian is a superlative hotel and with its 6,600 spacious suites it is the largest hotel in the world.The rooms are furnished according to Venetian tradition and original paintings decorate the ceilings.

In the Eiffel Tower theres a gourmet restaurant with a fabulous view over the Strip plus a section of the Paris Opera House and next to it a magnificent replica of the Arc De Triomphe.

This flashing galaxy of multi-colored neon soon makes one forget the dusty rocky desert landscape which surrounds this fascinating city which is synonymous with entertainment, amusement and just about every dollar dream that is waiting to be turned into reality! Buy this film on DVD in a collector souvenir case or download. Great for memories of trip taken, educational tool for the classroom, library, and more at TravelVideoStore.com

Get Outta Town New York City

Get Outta Town—not your parents travel guide. Barbara meets up with native New Yorker, Vitoria, an aspiring actress, and asks her what it's like to be a young actor trying to make it in a huge city. Vitoria says she gets much of her inspiration from New York's landscape, and would be happy to show Barb the sites. From the bow of the ferry heading toward the Statue of Liberty and the Ellis Island Museum, Vitoria explains New York is the city where many people come to live their dreams and pursue their passion in the arts. In the Drama Bookshop, the girls flip through books on auditioning techniques and rehearsing. Since Barb is going to try her hand at stage acting later on, Victoria takes her to Drama Workshop, where they do an improv exercise with a local actor.

The East Of USA And Canada

In New York we'll visit Manhattan and Broadway. We'll take a walk on the Times Square and see the Trump Tower, Rockefeller Center and the NYSE on Wall street. We'll have a wonderful view of New york from the 107th floor of the world Trade Center. statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the Port of Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridge will remind us of times long gone. We'll take a rest in Central Park and commemorate John Lenonn at a place where he was shot. One of the unforgettable experiences is New York at night.
In Philadelphia we'll visit places where the US constitution was ratified and in Washington, D.C. we'll see the Capitol, White House, Lincoln Memorial, vietnam Veterans Memorial and Arlington National Cemetray. In Lancester, Pennsylvania, we'll meet the amish, which refuse modern civilization. after the visit of Niagara falls we are getting to toronto with its world famous C.N. Tower. In Ottawa we'll experience changing of the royal Canadian mounted police in front of Parliament hill and after the visit of montreal we'll be witnesses to the greatest fireworks show.

Take A Tour Of... Las Vegas

Take A Tour Of... Las Vegas

From the dazzling lights of the "Strip" to the brilliance of the Mojave Desert, this DVD entices you with a gorgeous photographic tour of Las Vegas! Fly with costumed performers across the stage...then fly over Hoover Dam! From Las Vegas's first casino, the Flamingo (built in 1946 by mobster Benjamin "Bugsy" Segal!) to today's spectacular hotel/casino attractions like Mandalay Bay, New York New York, and the Bellagio, you'll experience incredible gambling, dining and entertainment venues! Step into luxurious restaurants like 3950 and Aqua...be on the front row for the Masquerade Show at the Rio! From tourists to conventions, Las Vegas is all about entertaining. Like to gamble? Las Vegas has more than 150,000 slots and 5000 live table games! Want to get married in Las Vegas? Get great ideas, from traditional to unique and everything in between! Everything! And the shopping! Shopping! Start enjoying Vegas right now!

Vista Point LAS VEGAS


A fascinating glimpse into the non-stop entertainment capital of the world, Las Vegas, that offers a great deal more than the gambling casinos for which it's famous.

There's the Luxor Hotel that was built at a cost of 400 million dollars and contains 2,526 rooms and an atrium that can accommodate nine jumbo jets. This is in stark contrast to the Excalibur Hotel that evokes King Arthur and his Round Table.

Even the New York skyline is on full view and features Greenwich Village, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty -- and a screeching roller-coaster ride above the residential quarters of New York!

The exclusive Romanesque Caesar's Palace contains some of the finest and most elegant shops in the United States that epitomise the height of luxury.

The Mirage Hotel boasts an erupting volcano and cascading waterfalls.

The Venetian is the world's largest hotel with more than 6,600 spacious suites and a gondolier is on hand to transport visitors through a watery shopping mall as he graces them with an Italian love song.

Las Vegas...there's a lot more to it than this, including Treasure Island and regular battles between pirates and the English fleet. This city is like a huge multi-billion dollar film set where illusion and entertainment know no bounds.


This is part of a series, Planet Terra, which when licensed allows you to add your own custom narration to meet you specific marketing needs. Contact us at TravelVideoStore.com for more details about licensing this episode or any of the 365 other episodes to destinations around the world.


LAS VEGAS Las Vegas, a grand metropolis of the gambling world, a mirage in the desert and with hotel casinos that are crowded day and night. There's the Luxor Hotel that was built at a cost of 400 million dollars and contains 2,526 rooms and an atrium that can accommodate nine jumbo jets. This is in stark contrast to the Excalibur Hotel that evokes King Arthur and his Round Table. Even the New York skyline is on full view and features Greenwich Village, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty -- and a screeching roller coaster ride above the residential quarters of New York! The exclusive Romanesque Caesar's Palace contains some of the finest and most elegant shops in the United States that epitomise the height of luxury, whereas the Mirage Hotel is set in a rocky landscape with waterfalls and lagoons and after sunset huge volcanoes erupt with a great rumbling and spew flames 30 metres into the air. No visit to Las Vegas is complete without a helicopter flight as its gives a full perspective of the fantastic ocean of flashing neon lights below and usually makes for the Stratosphere Tower and circles around it at breathtaking angles. Las Vegas...there's a lot more to it than this, including Treasure Island and regular battles between pirates and the English fleet. This city is like a huge multi-billion dollar film set where illusion and entertainment know no bounds.

Deserts, Casinos and UFOs Las Vegas

VEGAS - Deserts, Casinos and UFOs Las Vegas

A Long Strange Journey Through Las Vegas!

"Funny, offbeat, entertaining, and great desert scenery. What more can we say-we loved it!" DesertUSA.com

Come along with us on a unique travel adventure through Las Vegas! We will take you from the glamorous Strip, through Downtown Vegas, and finally out into the desert and into the heart of UFO country. This journey is as unconventional as it gets. You'll see how far-out Las Vegas really is!

Experience up close our featured casinos, including-for the first time-live footage of Indian Springs, a casino that celebrates its desert location and UFOs! Have a blast at Area 51 Fireworks, a place that is truly "out of this world"! And travel way out into the spectacular and mysterious desert where UFOs are part of the daily culture. So, come along with us as we take you on a long, strange journey through Las Vegas in... "Deserts, Casinos, and UFOs!" We're waiting for you!

7 Days U.S.A. The West

The west of North America is full of amazing contrast and stretches from the pretentious world of the Hollywood glitterati to a landscape that is both natural and spectacular. This journey features some unique and impressive sights such as the historic rock settlements of the Native American Indians and fascinating salt deserts and volcanic areas. Los Angeles is synonymous with Hollywood and it was here that this amazing city attained worldwide fame. The Sidewalk Of Fame is covered with brass stars that bear the names of famous celebrities of both past and present. Universal Studios is the largest and most active film and television studio in the world as well as providing a popular day out for the family and is one of the most successful amusement parks in the U.S.A. Death Valley covers an area of around ten thousand square kilometres. Around a fifth of the region is located at or below sea-level. During the gold rush of the nineteenth century it was through here that thousands of pioneers took a short cut while journeying west. They eventually arrived in a valley that offered no further way forward. Weakness, hunger and lack of water combined to create the name of this treacherous valley. Las Vegas is like a mirage in the desert, awake day and night it is THE entertainment capital of the world. The Bellagio is a return to the exclusive nature of the casino hotels of the past in which luxury is at its zenith and an investment of nearly two billion dollars speaks for itself. Sixteen hundred metres deep and sixteen kilometres long the Grand Canyon is the most colossal gorge in the world. The sight of this gigantic natural wonder is the climax of any trip to Arizona and each year around five million visitors come to see this, the 'Eighth Wonder Of The World'.Natural wonders, amazing sights, boundless wealth and incredible neon: America's west still has the call of the wild!

7 Days NEVADA U.S.A.

Nevada is the heart of America's west, gateway to a wild and spacious wonderland that is full of amazing surprises and outrageous contradictions.Las Vegas appears like a mirage in the...
7DY-DVD-149 - Nevada is the heart of America's west, gateway to a wild and spacious wonderland that is full of amazing surprises and outrageous contradictions.Las Vegas appears like a mirage in the desert, awake night and day, THE entertainment capital of the world! Guarded by a sphinx that stretches its paws out toward the Strip, a pyramid looms above the desert paradise, The Luxor Hotel,one of many theme hotels in this incredible city. The MGM lion guards one of the largest hotels in the world with over five thousand rooms, whereas the Bellagio is a return to the exclusive nature of the casino hotels of the past: here, luxury is at its zenith - an investment of 1,8 billion dollars speaks for itself! The Valley Of Fire is located about 90 km. north east of Las Vegas and derived its name from bizarre, dark red sandstone rocks formed from both wind and rain. Good footpaths lead through the numerous canyons of the 150 million year old rock formations and while climbing over the huge plateaus images come to mind of the Anasazi Indians who once lived here 800 years ago. The fascinating scenery of Red Rock Canyon is easily reached from Las Vegas,a perfect scene of the old Wild West in stark contrast to the glittering world of the nearby city of gambling. A panoramic 20-kilometre roadway leads to the best observation points of this 330 km² nature reserve in the Mojave Desert. Lake Mead is a huge artificial lake amidst breathtaking Nature. The land that encircles it has been declared a National Recreation Area and it's home to a variety of unique plants as well as numerous animals. The authentic, three-deck Mississippi-style paddle steamer, the Desert Princess, is the ideal way to travel the lake in style to the legendary Hoover Dam. Only two and a half hours by car to the west of Las Vegas is the USA's most recent national park that extends to the opposite side of California's border, Death Valley! It was through here that thousands of pioneers took a short cut while journeying west, many of them perishing in the attempt. However, this region is most certainly the heart of the west - the wild wild west of Nevada!

Nature Wonders RED ROCK CANYON U.S.A.

Around thirty minutes drive from the hustle and bustle of the gambling paradise of Las Vegas is the fascinating landscape of Red Rock Canyon.

Red Rock Canyon is part of the huge Mojave Desert that extends south from

California and Nevada , to Arizona.

Several huge tectonic plates once collided along the Keystone Thrust Fault and this resulted in many layers of rock being piled up one on top of the other. Today these rocks are closely associated with the legendary Wild West of old and a land full of adventure and romance.

Nature Parks DEATH VALLEY California Nevada

Nature Parks DEATH VALLEY Nevada

Situated in the USA, Death Valley derived its name during the gold rush that took place between 1848 and 1849, a time when hordes of pioneers journeyed to the west full of hope but where, in the seemingly never ending and merciless hot desert valleys, many frequently lost their cattle, their wagons and some even lost their lives. During the summer months the temperatures in Death Valley often exceed 45 degrees Celcius.

A closer look confirms that Death Valley is an arid, desolate desert valley in which any visit should be treated with respect as the severe, unforgiving heat can prove fatal to those who travel unprepared.

Badwater is the deepest point in the western hemisphere and is located 86 metres below sea level. The area that contains the so called 'bad water' is on the border of a wide salt lake of which the water content is tantamount to a small pool. In a wide valley close to Badwater in the region of the Panamint Mountains, there's a further major attraction, The Devil´s Golf Course on which bizarre crystal formations cover large areas of a dried out ocean.

Around 1000 A.D. the ancestors of the Shoshone Indians settled in this region, their largest village having been located at what is known today as Furnace Creek.

One of the most famous and certainly most photographed areas in Death Valley is the hill range of Zabriskie Point, undoubtedly the most beautiful and spectacular observation point in the unique rock and desert landscape of South West California.

Scotty´s Castle was the inspiration of two men from Chicago, an insurance millionaire named Albert Johnson and a legendary gold digger, Walter Scott. During the 1920s they built a magnificent hacienda that cost over 1.5 million dollars and today it provides an atmospheric impression of the realisation of an incredible dream.

Even today, the timeless and breathtaking scenery of Death Valley continues to turn the famous myths and legends of the 'Wild West' into amazing reality.

San Francisco California USA

This is part of a series, Planet Terra, which when licensed allows you to add your own custom narration to meet you specific marketing needs. Contact us at TravelVideoStore.com for more details about licensing this episode or any of the 365 other episodes to destinations around the world.

Destination San Francisco

Destination San Francisco SANFRAN - Fascinating Neighborhoods, classical architecture, dazzling vistas and a vibrant arts culture keep San Francisco firmly on a world class axis. This impressive city draws from its vibrant past to delight visitors with attractions, museums, boat tours, history and exceptional dining.

Embark on a lively tour of San Francisco and its districts such as Haight-Ashbury, Ghirardelli Square, Lombard Street, Union Square and Chinatown. Nearby are the charming cities of Tiberon and Sausalito, the majestic redwoods of the Muir Forest, and the vineyards of the Napa Valley.

Stroll through the lovely landscaped grounds of Yerba Buena Gardens. Experience the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, close to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Disocvering something new at the Exploratorium and the San Francisco Marine National Historic Park. Visit the Golden Gate Park, the sea lions of Pier 39, Marine World, and Alcatraz Island. The underwater tunnel at the Aquarium by the Bay captivates children and adults alike. Don't miss Alamo Square, the Cable Car Museum, Ocean Beach, North Beach, Cliff House and the California Academy of Sciences. Take in the beauty of the California Palace of the Legion of Honor.

Destination California

The spectacular beauty and world renowned attractions of California have been captured in this wonderfully filmed program. Enjoy the North coast, Mt. Shasta, the Napa Valley, Sonoma Country, San Francisco, Los Angeles, the Central Coast, San Simeon, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Palm Springs, Yosemite and many natural attractions.

Visit the world's playground, California.

On this video tour of California you'll visit:

The Napa Valley, Yosemite National Park, Muir Woods National Monument, Sonoma County, the north coast, mount Shasta Recreational Area, Owens Valley, Mono Lake, San Francisco, Sausalito, Tiburon, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, Carmel by the Sea, Monterey, Big Sur, Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, San Simeon, Solvang, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, San Diego and Palm Springs/Desert

You'll also enjoy these attractions:

Hearst Castle, Alcatraz Island, Napa/Sonoma wineries, the Golden Gate Bridge, Warner Bros. Studio Tour, Beverly Hills, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Mt. Whitney-the highest peak in the lower 49 states, surfing, beaches, wildlife, resorts and much more.

Golden Gate Bridge California

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world and hangs majestically like a giant gateway over San Francisco Bay.In the sunlight, the bridge really does look golden and when a sudden fog descends, the tips of her pillars rise supremely above the waterscape below.

A hundred thousand tons of steel and almost 300,000 cubic metres of cement form the foundations which have protected the bridge from storm force winds of up to100 miles an hour.It was originally designed to take 3 million cars a year but in fact it is used by more than 45 million, and the numbers are increasing.To date, a billion vehicles have used this masterpiece of human invention.

On 28th May 1937, the San Francisco Chronicle reported: "We got it wrong.

The bridge which no-one was supposed to be able to build, no one approved and no one would use, now stands before you in all its glory." Amazing how the newspapers, even in those days, sometimes got it wrong!


Fun-filled metropolis at the mouth of the Mississippi, New Orleans is a cultural melting pot and the birth place of jazz. In 1682, the Frenchman, Robert Cavalier, declared this Mississippi region to be French territory and named it, 'La Louisiana'. However, Napoleon later accepted $15,000,000 from President Jefferson and in 1840 it was the fourth largest city in the USA.

The Garden District is a sought-after residential area in which there is an abundance of magnolia trees, palms, shrubs and flowers, and the city's largest graveyard, the Metairie Cemetery, has over 7,000 graves and an array of spectacular mausoleums which astound the eye.

Gumbo Soup, Jambalaya, Hurricane Cocktails and Dixie Beer are just a few of the traditional refreshments on offer in this carefree, non-stop city, yet, just outside, there are the swampy bayous alive with many exotic species, and the Oak Valley Plantations whose great wealth derived from the sugar cane industry prior to the American Civil War and part of which is reminiscent of some of the scenery from Hollywood's, Gone With The Wind.

In the 19th Century, New Orleans was North American capital of the Voodoo cult and today it is a city of unique atmospheres, flavours, contrasts and Mardi Gras: an extraordinary city!

Nature Parks MISSISSIPPI SWAMPS New Orleans

New Orleans is synonymous with good food, jazz and Mardi Gras and it was here that history was created: founded by France, conquered by Spain, bought by President Jefferson and occupied by theYankees! New Orleans also possesses the second largest harbour in the USA and even today they shout, „Full speed ahead!" as paddle steamers negotiate 'Ol Man River', the grand waters of the Mississippi that flow to the Mississippi Swamps.

The Swamps are extensive and only experienced boatmen can find their way around the mass of main and side tributaries as it's easy to become disorientated, sight of the sky often being lost due to the density of the trees.

In the past 5,000 years the Mississippi had seven different deltas prior to it being reinforced by embankments. When dykes strengthened the river, some side channels remained and these are the famous small rivers known as the Bayous, a labyrinth of small tributaries and waterways.

‚Cowens' is the name of the oldest life form in the swamp, a turtle that grows to about 10 to 25 centimetres long and feeds mainly on small fish and aquatic animals.

Almost 30,000 hectares of swampland have been declared a nature reserve in which the complex balance between salt and freshwater reigns supreme and, when viewed from above, has the appearance of a strange network of city streets.

The Delta area provides ideal conditions for many feathered species, including around four million ducks and also the national symbol of the USA, the white-headed sea eagle and the variety of animals living in this region, most notably the alligator, is also vast and includes beaver and racoon.

The wonderful world of the Swamps with their legends and myths draw the traveller under their spell, a bewitching labyrinth of infinite waterways each one holding a special fascination. The allure of Nature is surely as puzzling as the innermost secrets of the Mississippi Swamps!