Monday, October 19, 2009



Larger than Italy and twice as long as Florida, the Baja California is a huge peninsula at the southern end of California on the western border of the Golfo California.

A few drops of rain in this region are enough to make the soil explode with life and transform the land into a vast undulating ocean of green palm trees and fruit-bearing cacti.

Remote haciendas interrupt the savannah-like landscape with estates so vast that it's necessary to travel across them by motor vehicle.

The Barranca Del Cobre is four times larger and ninety metres deeper than the Grand Canyon. Powerful torrents of water created the region's deep canyons and its igneous stones were subjected to powerful erosion thus creating bizarre rock formations.

At a height of thirty-five metres the Cusárare Waterfall is an impressive sight as its magnificent crystal clear water plunges down into the deep abyss below. This part of Mexico located on the Tropic Of Cancer divides the country into two climatic zones of the same size: temperate and tropical. El Golfo De California and its contrasting deserts, arid mountain regions and lush vegetation is a wonderfully remote landscape whose unique beauty captures the imagination of all who experience it.

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